Sunday, April 27, 2008


QuicKutz sent me to London to go on QVC UK (the shopping channel) and promote the Silhouette. Not wanting to wander the streets of London alone, I convinced my younger brother to come and we made a vacation out of it. Mike and I had a blast in London, running around and seeing all the sights. We tried to blend in with the locals (as you can see in the photo below) but our massive cameras and poor map skills made us stick out like a bunch of Americans. Mike however, made a conscious effort to put a plug in for Canada any time we did something particularly friendly like take a photo for someone else. If we were being obnoxious, well, they assumed we were Americans anyway.

I can't pick a favorite part of London any better than I can pick a favorite photo out of the thousands we took in three days. I finally narrowed it down to just 50 photos, so if you really want to watch this, you might need to grab some snacks.

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Coming Soon... or later.

A post on my trip to London. Here's a sneak preview.