The Mango Incident
With Jane's pregnancy, I adopted the practice of keeping some kind of snack next to my bed, so when I would wake up sick to my stomach and starving, I could swallow a few bites of a roll and feel well enough to fall asleep again. Healthy, I know, but you do what you have to, right? When I started feeling this coming on back in May, I started keeping a bag of dried mangos next to the bed. One night I woke up a couple of times and half asleep snatched a couple of mangos and went back to sleep. The next morning, as was my routine, I went and got Jane when she woke up and nursed her in my bed. Then she and I would hang out together for a bit. When I got up, I grabbed the bag of mango, closed the top, and put it on the bed thinking Jane might like to play with this. From the moment the bag touched my white sheets, ants started pouring off the bag in every direction. I screamed, yanked Jane off the bed and bagged up the ant-infested mango bag as fast as I could. I then had to kill dozens of ants one at a time with a kleenex and wash my sheets just to be sure. In the end, I'm not sure how many ants I ate that night as I blindly thrust my hand into the bag and pulled out each mango, but I hope the protein was good for my growing boy.
Last year, I got pretty bad back pain in my second trimester if I spent more than 10 minutes sitting down, but this time the pain has been very mild. I really didn't feel anything until the third trimester this time and even now, it's pretty manageable and my husband still gives me lots of back rubs.
In my third trimester with Jane, I blew up like the Michelin Man. Being pregnant in the summer was awful. We constantly laughed at my sausage toes, cankles, and swollen face. So far, this pregnancy hasn't been near as bad. I still have a significant belly, but I don't think I'm quite as big as last time, and not nearly as uncomfortable.
We'll see how this last month goes...
(These photos were taken at 32 weeks. Thanks Dan, for the photos)