Yes. Strawberry Days again. I haven't missed a year of Strawberry days in I don't know how long. I love this stuff! It almost makes me want to settle in Pleasant Grove. This year we kicked it off with a girls' night to the free Strawberry Days concert in the park with free strawberries and cream. It was fun, but my real love is the Strawberry Days rodeo.

I'm so glad I had some body to totally get into it with me. The highlight for me this year was the Cash Cow event where they stick money to a cow and parents send their children into the arena to earn back the money they spent on their rodeo ticket. I have never seen so many kids in the arena (the photo doesn't even show half of them). This year, they had to launch two cows. Seriously, parents we just tossing kids over the fence to go chase down that cow. The event had everything, comedy, adventure, suspense, terror... The terror came in the form of a little girl who got stuck in the mud. I mean really stuck. She couldn't even lift her feet out at all. Then she looked up to see the cow and massive mob of children coming her direction. She started flapping her arms in distress and was only rescued when a rodeo clown hopped the fence, picked her up, and dug her tiny flip flops out of the mud. Kind of sad... kind of hilarious.
Love all the pics!
I love rodeos. Looks like you guys had a great time! Love the outfits. You'd make a darling cowgirl!
What a funny event!
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