Jane is just a dream these days (most of the time). We haven’t entered the terrible twos yet, or the even worse threes, so I’m trying to savor this time. She is just the sweetest thing, generally happy and surprisingly helpful. She amazes me all the time. A little while ago, I sat down to feed Peter. Jane, knowing that I usually like to have a pillow to prop him up, brought me a throw pillow and then even pushed the ottoman up to my feet (which I have never even asked her to do). How thoughtful is that? When she sees dirty diapers sitting around all wrapped up (which is probably a little too often) she promptly throws them in the trash. The other day, Peter spit up and though Chris and I were both standing right there neither of us noticed it until we saw that Jane had gone into the other room and gotten a wipe and was now scrubbing the rug where he spit up. She’s just wonderful. She says thank you for everything. My favorite is when she says thank you after I change her diaper. It's just nice to be appreciated for those things, you know?
This rambunctious baby boy of ours is starting to strike a chord now and then when he comes crashing in and ruins her puzzle or grabs her toys. Sometimes she’s really sweet about sharing her toys with Peter but I’d say most times she’s still a little possessive about her things.
Still it's fun to see those moments when she's actually playing with him... instead of playing ON him. I can't believe how many times I have to tell her not to ride on her little brother.
Some of Jane's favorite things these days include:
...wrapping her blanket around her torso like a dress and saying "Princess Anna!" or just breaking into "Let it go" and twirling till her blanket falls off.
... climbing all over the new slide she got for her birthday.
... running from the imaginary polar bear.
... suddenly turning into a polar bear and chasing us around the house.
... getting rolled up in her blanket like a burrito and then hopping around saying "Ribbit" (I don't get it.)
... coloring on everything (including my newly reupholstered kitchen chairs. Thanks.)
... bubbles. bubbles. bubbles.
... "nursery time". She starts saying it as soon as we get into sacrament meeting
... singing "Wheels on the Bus" super-fast.
She had a fun birthday this last weekend. We invited our neighbors over to come celebrate with us. Jane was pretty excited about the party. She kept climbing up next to the presents to gently touch them and sometimes just look at them.
Jane doesn't really care about cake that much so I decided to do cookies. I made her a birthday cookie to blow the candles out on and she loved picking the M&Ms off.

Jane got a few animals, a slide, a mini wagon, some books, a cute dress, a mini mouse camera, and some cute wooden fairy dolls. She loves EVERYTHING.
Lots of awesome pictures! Love the one from a distance of Jane looking up on the table. Love to see it bigger! And her cute expression looking at the candles on her cookies!
Cute, Amy! Fun to read all about what's doing. She is an angel. We can't wait to see her again. Love the pictures.
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