Wednesday, May 20, 2015

April stuff

What a nice surprise to find out that the massive tree in front of our house is a blossom tree.  I loved looking out the window and see the tree covered in white and knowing it wasn't snow.  Finally, it's time to play outside more.  As long as it's not raining the kids will play outside almost every day. We've got to get it all in before it gets too hot and muggy when summer comes. 

(Above)  Jane gathers "flowers" in our weedy wilderness of backyard.
(Below)  Dr. Jane cares for at least 7 sick patients that have been diagnosed with a fever before she is taken ill herself.  (I love watching her make-believe play).

At a ward picnic, I organized the kids into a big game of duck, duck, goose. Peter was left wandering around the middle until he spotted his sister and went and sat in her lap.  Sibling love is so cute.

Sodalis in the spring.  Jane may look like she's helping her little brother, but she's actually terrified that he's going to push her off.  She keeps telling him not to push her even though he wasn't moving a muscle.

(Above) Jane has two magic wands.  Peter has one spear (at least he kept throwing it like one).
(Below) It's hard to tell, but Jane is planting a baby tree next to a big mommy tree, then Peter comes along and pulls it out.

There are lots of not so glamorous parts of motherhood, but sometimes I feel insanely blessed that I just get to follow these two around all day and watch exploring this world.

Peter found this nut and kept throwing it and chasing after it (just like he does with his bouncy balls at home).  Then when it broke, he spent the rest of the time at the park trying to put it back together.

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