Sunday, December 6, 2015

Jane at 3 years old

These photos were taken in late September, but now that I'm getting around to blogging them in early December, the corresponding Jane update will be a little off.
At Jane's 3 year appointment, she measured less than the 1st percentile.  That's our pint-sized little Jane.  Peter is catching up quickly and we frequently get asked if they are twins.  They wear the same shoe size and very soon they will be wearing the same sized clothes.

Jane loves organizing, categorizing, and counting things.  She skips straight from 19 to 25, but is otherwise pretty good with her numbers.

She knows that ten is a pretty big number and frequently asks for just 10 more times or 10 more minutes.  She's trying to figure out how to use measurements of time, so we keep hearing things like, "remember, I brushed my teeth last year."

She loves it when I put music on and bobs her head while she builds castles or trophies with her legos.  She's particularly fond of Taylor Swift's Shake it Off and Megan Trainor's All About that Bass.  Although, whenever we ask Jane if she's all about that bass, she emphatically denies it.

Jane started swimming lessons for the first time a few weeks back.  She LOVES it and listens carefully to her teacher.  She's not very comfortable in the water, so it makes me proud just to see her beaming and waving to me from the side of the pool.  I can tell a big difference in the last few weeks in just her comfort level.  It is without a doubt the highlight of her week.  The other night before prayers, we asked me if Heavenly Father was "way up there".   "Yes, and he's listening right now because he wants to hear your prayers."  (Translation: "get on with it." Nighttime prayers are a real struggle in patience for all of us right now.)  Jane's response was really sweet, though, "I want to get in a helicopter and fly way high up into the sky so I can tell Heavenly Father all about my swim class."
She has only one swim class left and then is very excited to start her dance class... so I guess we're going to be signing her up for a dance class.

She's crazy about lego duplos, Cinderella, and riding her tricycle over to the playground, but it's mostly too cold these days.

We have a season's pass to the Children's Museum so Jane get's to ride the carousal there regularly.  I makes me so happy to see her SO happy.  Chris and I can't help but giggle as we watch her overjoyed face and hear her explosive squeals of pure happiness.  In the line, the anticipation is so great that she's constantly giving hugs and kisses to all of us.  I love how affectionate she gets when she's excited about something.

Lately, she's become more aware that her things come from someone and she often asks, "Who gave me this... book/skirt/toy etc".  When I say, "Oh Grandma gave you that, " she says, "Oh, I have to tell Grandma thank you.  I love it!"  She's genuinely so grateful for her things.

1 comment:

David and Mary Walton said...

So darling!! Love to hear all the details that make her so adorable.