Thursday, January 14, 2016

Peter's Birthday

 Sometimes even when you try and plan things just right for your unpredictably moody 2-year-old, you still can't get it right.  I thought mid morning would be ideal for his little birthday celebration, but Peter just wasn't in the mood. He slowly warmed up opening presents and by the time he opened his big matchbox garage, he was stable enough to be excited about his present.  Unfortunately, all that went out the window when we promised him chocolate cake and didn't deliver within 30 seconds.  It ended up just fine, though, because there is nothing in the world this kid loves more than chocolate cake with no strings attached.  He had three helpings before we cut him off.  We just love our "passionate" 2-year-old.

1 comment:

Jessica Mitchell said...

Cambria and Peter are a match made in heaven. Just sayin'