Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Alice (3 months old)

Today, Alice is 3 months old.  (To be clear, though, these photos were taken a few weeks ago.)
She’s still our best sleeper usually going to bed around 8 or 9, sleeping 7 or 8 hours, and then waking up to nurse one or two more times.  She gave us a 9-hour stretch the other night, so that was exciting.  The biggest thing is that she goes right back down after nursing.  That’s not a feature that came with our first two models.  She finishes drinking and I just go lay her back down and walk away.  It’s amazing.  She shuffles a little and finds that comfortable spot and then settles in and goes back to sleep.  It’s wonderful!  Jane wouldn’t even fall asleep nursing at all, and if she did by some miracle, she’d wake up as soon as I stood up.
Alice has been a little high maintenance during the day, though.  She’s starting to get better, but for a while there, she wanted to be held all the time.  Not just held, of course, bounced.  Chris got me a fitbit for my birthday and I was clocking some serious steps just trying to keep that girl happy.  She prefers facing out and had to have two hands on her at all times.  If I tried to take a hand away to pick something up or heaven forbid get anything done, she’d get fussy immediately and then calm down when she was securely held with both hands again.  It was pretty frustrating, but like I said, she’s getting much better now.  She has longer stretches of just hanging out happily.  She smiles pretty easily now, but then goes back to her resting grumpy old man face.
She locks in on TV screens just like Jane used to.  Which is, of course, great and not so great.
She rolled over the other day, front to back.  She didn’t know what she was doing, of course, but I’m still proud of her. 
We love our little Ali-cat.  She's getting more enjoyable all the time.

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