Saturday, April 30, 2016


While Chris was out working in the yard, he heard a little chirping noise and looked down in the grass to find a tiny, little bunny.  He called us out to come see it and Jane got to hold it.  Then we discovered the rest of the bunnies.  Five bunnies all cuddled up together in a little nest in our yard.  We loved having them there and would go out and check on them daily.  One didn't make it, but after about a week, we saw the rest of them bounce into the forest behind our house. 

Collecting sticks to throw in puddles on the trail behind our house.

Mama and baby selfie.

Jane and Peter are always dressing up together.  Sometimes it's super heros and sometimes it's princesses.  This time it was "cowboy ballerinas."  They sure are fun.

There is a rock pile on an empty lot that we came across on a family walk.  Jane and Peter had a blast as you can imagine and now ask to go back every time we go on a walk.  I just love how Peter throws the rocks.  It's pretty dangerous and unpredictable, but so cute.

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