Sunday, September 28, 2014

I'm really doing this...

Well, I'm not going to lie, I'm a little nervous about this, but here we go.  I have decided to start a photography business.  I will be focusing on families, children, babies, senior portraits, engagements... basically everything but weddings, because lets be honest, I am not ready for that kind of pressure.  I'm really excited about this and can't wait to practice and learn along the way.  In the mean time, my prices are VERY affordable, so if you know anyone in the Indianapolis area looking for a photo shoot, send them over to my new photography blog:

And stay tuned for my facebook page coming soon!


The Seaquist Family said...

Congratulations! You are going to do so well. You are so talented and the people of Indiana are so lucky! If you want to move to CO I'd hire you in a nano second. Good luck!

Caitlin said...

You'll do great! Good luck!

Patrick, Lindsay and Jack said...

Do you travel? North Carolina? Lol. I am horrible about getting family pictures and the only friend I have here who takes pictures just upped her prices to $150 for a 30 minute mini-session... which I think is kind of steep seeing as she is not really a professional... anyway... now I'm rambling but you are a talented photog, Amy. Best of luck in your new business!