Friday, July 17, 2015

Seven Peaks (Day 3)

We spent the day at 7 Peaks; the perfect answer to the 100+ degree weather. It was such a fun day and Jane loved it.  Peter did too, when he was awake, but he slept through some pretty significant chunks of it.  Any time we were hanging out back at our table, Jane was asking to go back to the water.  It was nice to be able to spend enough time in the water to actually see a little difference in her comfort level.  She was very timid and a little clingy when we started, but by the end of the day she was wading and playing comfortably in the 1.5 ft deep kid’s pool.  She also managed to tolerate our dunking her every so often.  We have a very long way to go though.   Twice she went on one of the big slides riding a tube with me.  I could feel her little body tensing all the way down, but she managed it bravely.

Back up on the hill...

A few more from Mike now.  We tried to go for round 2 of family photos, but the kids were a little less cooperative and COMPLETELY distracted by Dan's drone.

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