Tuesday, February 16, 2016

2-year-old Peter

Peter is fun.  He's just really fun.  He talks a lot, runs fast, laughs hard, and cries just as easily.  He's really ticklish.   I inadvertently stumble upon new ticklish spots all the time. There have been a few times when he's stubbornly struggling against me and I pin him down to get his diaper on, only to have him burst into giggles because apparently I found the right spot.  It's nice the way be can diffuse a frustrating situation like that.

 I love this picture because it really shows off his pigeon toed walk.

He sleeps with a lot of stuffed animals and carefully arranges them when he goes to bed at night so he is completely crowded in by what he calls his "friends".  He takes roll every night and if someone's not there, he requests them individually.  He needs Paco (the penguin), Dinosaur, Bear,  Baby (the baby doll), Dog, and Mickey.  He also usually sleeps with Thomas the Train and small collection of other cars.  He piles them up around him and then, for the most part, goes right to sleep. He never seems to play with his friends, just needs the moral support.

Peter sometimes asks for things by chanting "More milk, more milk, more milk" etc.  When we tell him to ask nicely, his voice goes up a couple octaves and slurs the request in one long, high word "Canna-peas-ha-some-meelk?"  I love it.

Peter got a wooden train set for Christmas and EVERY morning for over a month, the first thing on his mind was building new tracks.  "I'mma build tracks and trains," he would say and then soon follow it up with, "Mommy AND Peter do it."  He would request it before breakfast and play with it all day.  I'm not even sure why we'd clean it up every night.

His sense of humor is developing and he likes to make others laugh.  He's started experimenting with different voices and the other night said his whole prayer in one of these variations.  I tried SO hard to keep from laughing, but I couldn't keep it together and he enjoyed the attention.  Fortunately, he hasn't tried it again since then.

He's just started to care about coloring and proudly shows off his finished works of art to us.

He loves to sing "Hello, Hello" (The Primary Welcome Song).  I think Jane taught it to him.  I hear them both singing that one from their room when they are supposed to be going to sleep.

Peter has a serious sweet tooth.  Nothing makes him happier than hear the words, "Do you want to have a cookie?"  And nothing, I mean NOTHING, is more devastating than the words, "No, Peter, you can't have another one."  Sometimes it's not even worth giving him a cookie at all because the lows are so low.

I got these giggling pictures by telling Peter to say "Team Umizoomie", but instead he said "pickles" and totally cracked himself up.  Jane thought it was pretty funny too.  

These two do everything together. They really are best buds and I love overhearing their conversations.  They aren't always so sweet to each other, but the following conversation on the way home from church, just melted my heart.

Jane: "I missed you, Peter."  (Jane goes to Sunbeams now)
Peter:  "I miss you too, Dane.  I color picture."  (Holds up his coloring)
Jane:  "Oh, I love it Peter.  It's so beautiful. Do you like my picture?"  (holds up hers)
Peter:  "Good Job, Dane."
Jane: "It has pink and purple.  Pink is my favorite color."
Peter: "Mine yellow."

Just a whole lot of sweetness.  I love it.


Silvs said...

My favorite post ever.

David and Mary Walton said...

That was all adorable!! I love hearing all the detail and you will be so glad to have it all recorded for the future!