Monday, February 8, 2016


Ok, I’m ready.  I mean, I’m done with being pregnant at least.  It’s not like I’ve ordered newborn diapers or packed a hospital bag or anything, but I’m counting down the days.  In the mean time, I’m trying to use these last few weeks wisely (Date nights, go to the temple, get my hair done etc).  I probably should be making freezer meals or something, but I think that window has already come and gone since my desire to make dinner at all is pretty low.    

I had an ultrasound a few days ago to measure the baby because even my doctor thinks I look especially big.  They measured me at 37. 5 weeks, and estimate that the baby is about 7 lbs 12 oz RIGHT NOW!  I understand those measurements tend to run big, though, so it's hard to say.   Still, she's a big girl, and I was more than happy to set up my induction for February 26th.  This baby is coming in less than 3 weeks!  Hallelujah!

I’ve always been a good sleeper.  But my back pain and pea-sized bladder wake me up more than a newborn does (almost).   My upper/middle back pain makes so that I can’t sleep on my side, at least not for more than a half hour or so.  I sleep with six pillows (YES 6), propping me up like a hospital bed.   I do pretty well that way, but I still wake up sore and anxious to just change positions.  That means trying to sleep on my side.  So then I reconfigure the pillows to a side position (1 body pillow and 3 regular pillows).  By the time I get settled I am out of breath and huffing like I ran up a mountain.   It always seems to wake up the baby too and she’s a real mover, so I have to wait for her to settle down again before I can fall asleep.   Her most active period is at midnight every night.  She starts getting really wiggly and I can watch my by belly ripple and bulge and twitch.  It definitely feels like she's running out of room in there.  

1 comment:

David and Mary Walton said...

Good description, Amy. I can feel it!