Saturday, April 25, 2009

Siena II

Megan was unsatisfied with the lack of museums in our Florence day, so she got up early and went back on her own. The rest of us slept in and spent a relaxing day in Siena. Shane did his laundry, Amy and Jamie read their books in the park and I wandered through the twisted maze of uptown shopping. Purple is so IN right now that I’m already sick of it. EVERY store window featured purple, shirts, pants, skirts, ties etc. That evening Shane, Amy, Jamie and I walked up to the Duomo, sat and chatted outside as the sun fell. It’s a pretty spectacular building. It was supposed to be bigger than St. Peter’s, but the Vatican put a stop to it before it was finished. You can see where they would have built had they not had to seal it up early. Eventually we moved down to Il Campo to meet Dave and Megan. We sat in the big square and watched cute kids chase pigeons and played “I’ve Never” and “Off a Cliff” until they came. In case you're wondering, "Off a Cliff" is a singles only game and it actually works much better when you have a ward directory in front of you. You pick four names for another person and that person has to decide of those names which one he would marry, kiss, hug and push off a cliff. (Great for dinner parties).

1 comment:

Lisa said...

I forgot to check for a couple days and now look at all these! I bet it was nice to have a day to relax! Love the new header... cute picture of you and even the font is so Amy.