Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Remedial Golf

OK, I'm new to this whole blogging thing. In fact, if my work found out that I just set up a blog, I'd never hear the end of it. They have been trying to get me to post on the company blog for weeks now and I keep resisting. What could I have to say that could possibly be of interest to a complete stranger? Friends and family, that's a different story. I'll give it a try.

Travis and I have been dying to go out of town for months now, but every weekend our plans are foiled. We manage to keep them interesting, though. This weekend we went golfing. I haven't been golfing in a few years and Travis hasn't been since before his mission. I've included a few pictures as evidence of my golfing skills. You'll notice that the ball hasn't even moved and yet I'm searching the skies for it.

Here's an even better one. Is that a golfer's stance or what? What am I doing? At least I hit it this time, right?
At the last hole, Travis and I were tied, but in the end he took a solid lead with a birdie. Nicely done, Travis. You escaped the merciless ridicule of my golfing brothers by not losing to a girl... especially with a swing like that!

Aren't we cute! We didn't even plan that.


Lisa said...

Love it Amy! Way to go.

Anonymous said...

That is really fun! It looks like a lot of work so I'm loving you guys doing it, but I don't know what I would put on one. I love your color-coordinated golf outfits. Keep it coming! MOM

Anonymous said...

Amy you are too cute!

Elisha and Scott said...

Thanks for showing the example of being a blogger. We are just getting the hang of it all. Love the pics. Great outfits. Was it Sadie Hawkins Golf day?

jstott41 said...
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jstott41 said...

Hi Amy. So I found you! This is Jared the guy that you meet at ward prayer at chattsworth. I like your blog...weeeeelp see you later. jstott41@yahoo.com