Saturday, February 8, 2014

Jane at 17 months

Jane is just a joy these days.  She is acting more and more like a little kid and it constantly takes us by surprise how much she understands.  She eats pretty well with a spoon now, folds her arms for prayers (sometimes), loves to twirl and shoot you with her finger (not usually at the same time).  She makes a pretty good gun sound effect.  She finally mastered the "all done" sign and patiently taps me on the shoulder and makes the sign to let me know she's finished.  It's a wonderful improvement to her old method of throwing the rest of her food on the floor.  She's picked up a lot more actions to the songs we sing and the other day we caught her singing gibberish to the tune of Itsy Bitsy Spider.  Fun stuff.

Since Peter's birth, Jane has been a lot more interested in babies.  She still mostly prefers her stuffed animals over her dolls, but now she brings them to me so I can help her wrap them up in blankets or put diapers on them.  Then she takes them and lays them in the car seat or baby swing or cradle.  It's pretty sweet.

She's pretty interested in Peter still (a little too interested sometimes).  She managed to grab hold of Peter's blanket while he was sleeping on the couch and pull him off onto the floor.  It was pretty scary, but Peter was fine.  The couch incident aside, she's actually pretty sweet with him, gently stroking his head, kissing him goodnight and fist bumping him all day long.  


Friday, February 7, 2014

Peter's Blessing

Peter was blessed on February 2nd.  My dad, brother Scott, brother-in-law Paul, and Bishop David Nelson surrounded him as Chris gave the blessing.  Chris said he was calmly looking around the whole time.  Chris gave a beautiful blessing  while I tried to control Jane and my emotions at the same time.  I feel so blessed to have him in our family.  He just fits right in already.

Trying to get a good family picture just got a whole lot trickier.

My handsome men!

We were so grateful to have so many family members come.  Thank you everyone.  And thank you to the Katzoffs and Paxsons for attending as well.  We love you!

A visit from Grandma and Grandpa... and Lisa and Brian and Scott and Elisha...

My parents came out to visit two weeks after Peter was born (Peter's fault for coming 2 weeks early).  It was so wonderful to have them there.  Jane LOVED Grandma but Grandpa took some warming up to. It didn't help when he started tickling her mother.  Jane just broke down in tears.  She's a pretty sensitive little girl.  The key to heart, though, is a tablet and once they figured that out, they had her full attention... well, the tablet did anyway.
We had a great week hanging out, playing games, going shopping, and watching movies.  We watched Captain Philips and introduced my parents to Clue.  (I still can't believe they'd never seen it).  Jane showed them her favorite movie, Fantastic Mr. Fox and they loved it too.

Lisa joined us later that week, and Brian the following day.  We had several visits from Scott and Elisha and a trip up to their house for a visit too.

We celebrated Brian's birthday, and then had everyone down at our house again for Peter's baby blessing.  It was a pretty great week and everyone was so helpful.  Thanks everyone!

Thursday, February 6, 2014

Peter at 2 Weeks

I just love this little man.  He's starting to be awake a little more, but he's still mostly content to just hang out.  He put on a pound and an inch measuring 8 lbs 2 oz and 20 inches at his 2 week appointment.  He was also circumcised at his 2 week appointment.  We had planned on having it done in the hospital, but just before they started the procedure, they informed us our insurance didn't cover circumcisions and it would much cheaper in the doctor's office.  I elected to step out for the actual procedure and tried to keep it together in the waiting room where I could still hear him crying.   It was pretty rough for both of us, but we made it through.   Maybe I'll just have girls from now on.

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Peter at 1 Week

This baby just sleeps all the time.  I know, he's all of one week old.  What else would I expect?  But seriously, he sleeps ALL the time and just wakes up to eat.  So far he is the easiest baby I could imagine.  Jane always needed to be held, but Peter's just happy to snooze on the couch.