Thursday, July 16, 2009

Utah Lake Adventure (Play by Play)

6:00 pm: Amy, Megan, Dave and Whitney hit the lake. Conditions look ideal for our Utah Lake Adventure so we plan to proceed. (After some amazing wakeboarding and target practice).
8:30 pm: Whitney pops the airmatress when trying to stick the landing at about 35mph.
9:00 pm: We gather our overnight things, buy a new air matress, and head back to the Lake.
11:00 pm: We anchor the boat in the middle of Utah Lake using 70 lbs of lifting weights. Then we blow up our air mattress and tie it to the boat.
12:00 am: We were unsuccessful at finding Jaws, so we watch a surfing video on Shane's laptop.
1:00 am: Amy and I climb onto our floating bed, endure a single splash to the face, and then rock gently to sleep.
3:00 am: My eyes open and I wonder breifly what shore I'm facing.
4:00 am: My eyes open and I wish someone would turn off the moon so I could sleep.
5:00 am: My eyes open and I roll over and face the black water, picturing a giant carp pulling me off the raft (what else would be in Utah Lake). I giggle and fall asleep again.
6:00 am: My eyes open to sunlight and the sounds of Shane untying our mattress and setting us adrift.
6:10 am: Dave and Chris pull up the anchor to find that we lost it somewhere in the night and had drifted far north.
7:00 am: Breakfast at McDonalds and finally a bathroom break again!

All in all the Utah Lake adventure was a HUGE success. The water was perfect, the bugs weren't a problem, the temperature was comfortable and Amy and I had the best nights rest of anyone. The other four people with us slept on the boat and didn't sleep quite as well. Next time, we'll get multiple mattresses and tie them all together to form a big floating island. Then we'll watch Jaws!

Just can't seem to stick the landing.


Mom said...

Thanks for the play by play.....looks like a lot of fun. I hadn't thought about the bathroom situation. I think that might have cancelled me out.

Mike Walton said...

Haha, can you plan that again and let me know. Looks fun.

Lisa said...

That does look fun. Loved the play by play.