Tuesday, April 6, 2010


I can't really get over how amazing the Muse concert was last night. I'm not a huge concert goer, so maybe this doesn't mean all that much, but that was the best concert I have ever been to! Matt Bellamy is a rock genius in his metallic suit wailing on the guitar, but I couldn't really take my eyes off the drummer. I'm about ready to quit my job and dedicate my 40 hours a week to the drums. He was so incredible. Of course it wasn't just a concert, it was a whole production. These guys had the COOLEST computer graphics and lighting. Their motto: find out what will give you a seizure and then back it off just a little. I had a permagrin the entire time. I've never really understood those people that stand through the whole concert with their cameras up taking video clips, but I really wish I had had mine so you could understand the awesomeness that is Muse.

1 comment:

Elisa said...

Muse is Awesome.