Sunday, September 25, 2011

catchin' bugs

Last Saturday, Chris and I headed up to Scott and Elisha's house to watch the BYU/Utah football game.  We should have known better.  Chris and I have been up there for four important sports games this year and lost everyone.  I mean it THIS time when I say, we're never watching a game there again. (I probably don't mean that, Scott).

Anyway, we went up early so Chris could help a little with Scott's roofing project.

 Meanwhile, Molly and I went on a bug catching safari.  I was in charge of spotting and photographing bugs and Molly was in charge of catching them... which was just fine with me.  I don't actually like bugs.  This was all Molly's idea.   Armed with our plastic bag and a bug cage, we caught a fly, a moth, a worm, two ladybugs, an ant, and a spider.  However, Molly explained very carefully that a spider was not an insect and therefore would not be admitted to the bug cage... also she was afraid the tiny spider would kill her two huge grasshoppers.  We spotted tons of dragonflies, but were never able to get a ziplock bag on one.  We're going to need a net next time.

 Fos joined us when he woke up from his nap.

Then Elisha found another huge grasshopper in the garden and Scott trapped it for Molly.   That is one happy insect-loving girl.

The other great part about seeing Scott and Elisha in the summer is walking away with TONS of fresh produce from their garden.  Thank you so much.  The cantaloupe was amazing!


Caitlin said...

What a massive squash! (That is a squash, right?) :)

And please, for the sake of everyone, stop watching games over there!! :)

Elisha and Scott said...

Amy, thanks for getting pictures of that day! I was just thinking I should have done something for that. And those pictures of Molly catching bugs are great! Shoulda had you download some on our computer! You guys need to come up sometime, not for a game, eat dinner, show us more Europe pictures and play some games. Maybe a weekend we can have Brian come up too! When you guys have a free weekend :)

Dan said...

Nice bug pictures. I'm surprised you got that close to that bee.