Friday, April 19, 2013


Some random facts about Jane at 7 months:

She LOVES oatmeal and sometimes eats more than I would in one sitting.  She's also a very clean eater.  Her hands twirl neatly at her sides as she leans forward with her mouth open.  She's just a little baby bird.  I almost never have to wiper her hands after dinner.

Jane's started lunging for things and moves easily from a sitting position onto her stomach.  Sometimes she manages to stay almost up on her hands and knees and rocks back and forth preparing for her lunge.  She's gotten a face full of carpet many times.  She got out of her bumbo today, so I guess we're done with that.

Jane does this thing with her jaw on my shoulder where she locks her jaw and sort of pops it back again.  I can't really explain it and it kind of gives me the willies, but I guess she got that from Chris because he says he can do it too.

She sits by herself just fine now and enjoys the front of the grocery cart.  I enjoy having so much available space in my shopping cart.

The other day, Jane engaged me in a game of peek-a-boo.  She pulled the car seat cover down over her head.  When I said "Where's Jane?"  She started giggling under the cover.  She would then lift it up over her head and smile at me.  "There she is!"  She'd quickly pull it down again, covering her face.  It was adorable and so fun to see her learning games and being able to manipulate her environment more. 

Just a couple weeks ago she got her first diaper rash.  Since then, though her rash is gone, she has started complaining about her poopy diapers.  It's kind of amazing she never complained before.

Jane is entering some of her 6-12 month clothing and wears a size 2 diaper.

Just today, we found a little tooth on the bottom breaking through.  So far, it doesn't seem to have bothered her at all. 

Chris was using his cell phone as a motivational object and Jane was crawling over him to get to it.  Here are her sweet rewards. 

I don't know if Jane likes these tickles.

... but I know she likes these ones.

Listening to Daddy whistle.

I don't know what this is all about, but it was too funny not to post.  


David and Mary Walton said...

These pictures are all so darling!! Love that last one too....too funny. Love getting the update on all the things she is doing. What a doll!

Lisa said...

I love the update too. Fun things!