Sunday, May 19, 2013

8 Months

It's fun to see Jane's brain working.  She understands games more and picks up on patterns.  The other day I plopped my hand down on her high chair tray and she put her hand on top of mine.  I placed my other hand on top and she followed suit.  Then we continued pulling our hands from the bottom and placing them on top in order.  She laughs a little more easily now, kind of responds to being tickled, and breaks out in the hugest smile when I start singing to her.  
Jane eats pretty much whatever we give her now, but her favorites are easily sweet potatoes, garden vegetables, and carrots.  She tolerates fruits and meats, but often won't make it through a whole bottle.  She likes mashed up bananas and sharing my avocados, yogurts, and popsicles.  (She just licks it, recoils from the cold, and then is immediately back for more). 
She has two little teeth on the bottom and I like it when she takes bites out of her cereal puffs (as if they weren't bit-sized to start with).  She's a dainty eater.

The weather is lovely now, so Jane and I go for walks every day.  There is a Jr High and elementary school behind our house, so we usually do some laps of the track in the evenings.  Sometimes during the day, we lay out a blanket and Jane plays with the grass from the safety of the quilt.  Like most her age, she doesn't love sitting IN the grass.

 Jane loves playing in the water and now that she sits so well now, it's gotten so much easier to sit beside the tub and just let her play for a while.

 My cute little penguin, all wrapped up.


Sarah Walton said...

What a cutie. She's growing up so fast! It was fun reading all about your road trip. Reminds me of our Ohio days:). We loved Nauvoo too.... Your dad was with us and it was so fun. Would definitely love to go back sometime!

David and Mary Walton said...

I love all these pictures!! She is soooo cute. She is definitely getting older looking. Yes, the rocking chair makes a great place for pictures.

Unknown said...

She just gets cuter and CUTER! I love all her little outfits too! You guys are having so many neat adventures!