Monday, January 6, 2014


 We drove down to California for the holidays.  My back has been giving me just a little more trouble these days, so I was a little worried it was going to be a miserable drive, but we all managed quite surprising well...  Even though the normally 9 hour trip took us 13.5 hours. More frequent stops for me and a detour in Las Vegas contributed, but mostly it was traffic south of Barstow, CA.  We made it though, and the 80 degree weather was worth it.  We got in on the 23rd and spent Christmas Eve with the Reids.  They whipped up a superb Christmas dinner complete with a spiral cut ham, candied yams, and martinelli's.  It was a fun evening.

We had Christmas morning at Chris' mom's house.  Jane came downstairs to a Little People Noah's Ark  from Santa.  She was interested, but not nearly as excited as she was about the hot wheels cars she got in her stocking.  She also got a stuffed penguin, some books and Disney's Peter Pan (which she watched several times while we were there).  She got a baby doll from Grandma Silva and a baby Anna doll (Frozen) from Grandpa.

Before we left for California we opened a few presents including this one from my parents for Jane.  She was pretty excited about her pony, but the real treat was when she found out it played music and talked. She would push the button and sit down in front of the mouth and swing her arms back and forth.  It's the first time we've really seen her bust out a real dance move.

 We did Christmas dinner at Erik and Juliana's house.  As the only toddler in a house full of adults, Jane was well taken care of.  She got passed from person to person, but that doesn't really bother her.  Mostly, though, she just wanted to follow the dogs around and pet them occasionally.

 I got to go to Laura's baby shower while we were there.  She is due with a little girl just a week before I'm due.

 Cute little Reid kids.

 36 weeks pregnant.

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