Thursday, October 2, 2014

Peter at 8 months

Peter is a playful little busy guy.  He is constantly on the move and a little over confident in his abilities.  He often stands next to furniture holding on with just one hand or tries to cross over from the ottoman to the couch when they are too far apart and he's paid the price with some rough falls. His favorite thing these days is climbing to the top of Jane's new slide by going straight up the front.  He's fast at it too, so I have to keep a close eye on him.  He definitely knows how to sit now, he just doesn't do it.  Any time I put him down sitting up, he crawls away immediately.  He does a real crawl now, but still throws in the old army crawl every once in a while.  He follows Jane around all day and stands up near where she's playing.  Sometimes he can get down by himself but often he just cries for me to come rescue him.
He's got two teeth on the bottom now and loves to feed himself pears and Cheerios.  He doesn't care for bananas (which is too bad, because they are so convenient). He has a mild allergy to milk, so we're avoiding dairy for the time being.  Fortunately, it doesn't seem to affect him when I have milk.


Caitlin said...

I can't believe how big he's getting! XOXO

scott said...

He's sooooo adorable!!!!