Saturday, October 31, 2015


Halloween was so much fun with these kiddos.  We knew for a long time what the costumes would be, so Jane had plenty of time to get excited about being a witch even without seeing the costume.  In the end, it turned out she thought she was going to be a pink witch.  I guess I never communicated that properly.  I thought it would be fun to make a witch's dress for Jane, and it was, but with the move to our new house this month, it became a little more trouble than I expected.  In the end, we were both pleased with the result.  On Halloween night, the kids grasped the concept of trick-or-treating quickly and Peter especially had no hesitation about wiggling his way up to the front of the group of kids and if no one was paying attention, helping himself to a handful of candy for his bucket.  When we got home, Peter went right to work on the lollipops, opening and starting five or six of them that evening.  I know I saw him at one point with 3 or 4 in his hands and would find more of them sitting on counters or tables.  He was in sugar heaven.

Jane kept using her broom to sweep up the leaves.  Also, it took quite a bit of convincing before she believed that witches ride their brooms with the brush end in the back.  Funny girl.

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