Monday, September 5, 2016

The City Museum - St. Louis

The City Museum in St. Louis was one of the highlights of the whole trip.  This place is nothing short of mind-blowing. It's a labyrinth of stairs, slides, tunnels, bridges, and secret passages.  Anything and everything is meant to be climbed on and explored.  Over and over again, I would emerge from some narrow passage to find another sweaty, panting parent and we would give each other that wide-eyed, this-place-is-nuts kind of look.  I wonder how often they deal with lost children.  Our kids are a little small utilize this playground to it's full potential, but they were excited about it nonetheless.  They could have stayed in one little corner the whole time, but Chris and I wanted to see more.  As it was, we only touched on a small section of it.

This is a terrible picture, but it's the only one I have that shows the twisting blue rebar tube that leads from one floor to the next.  We sat here just before we left and I looked at that and thought, I wonder how often people go in that one?  It looks miserable.  While we sat there we saw three adults attempt it.  The would squeeze in and shuffle around the first bend until they were 100% committed and then you could read the regret all over their body language.  It was very entertaining to watch.

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