Friday, March 3, 2017

Alice at 1 year old

We are over the moon about Alice these days.  I mean, we felt smitten with all of our babies, but Alice has really taken it to the next level.   It’s hard to describe how in love we are. She is a busy little girl, but she is always happy.  Her little chatter is to die for and she just lights up when you smile at her.   She stands on her own and takes a couple of steps now and then, but mostly she chickens out and lowers herself down.  She loves to hold someone’s hand and walk or push the tricycle around.  When Jane is riding the tricycle, she’ll often come push Jane around on it or just hop on the back and Jane takes her for a ride.  Jane is incredibly sweet with Alice and adores her as much as we do.  The only time she's really not happy is when I take a shower, and I mean REALLY not happy.  She never cries harder than when I hop in the shower and leave her playing with her siblings.  She's either pounding and screaming on the bathroom door or screaming, opening the shower curtain and getting soaked.  She loves the shower, though.  If I have her in the shower, snuggles into my chest, closes her eyes and completely relaxes.  It is incredibly sweet.  She's not our cuddliest kid, but in the shower she just melts.  She also loves having her arms scratched.  She just freezes and that has helped me through a few sacrament meetings.  It only lasts for a few minutes, though.
Alice gives kisses, claps, points, blows kisses, says "yes" and waves and says “hi” (that one’s my favorite).  
She takes two naps a day now and is so easy to put down.  She just drinks her bottle and then I take her upstairs to her bed and pick up her blanket.  She grabs it and snuggles right in while I sing her a song.  She doesn’t usually have enough patience for my song and either squirms restlessly or just dives straight for the crib.  She goes down for the night between 7 and 7:30 and sleeps straight through until 7am.  It’s a wonderful stage right now and I’m trying to soak it in. 
She’s already a picky eater, though.  We’ve kept her on baby food longer than normal because she’s not really embracing a lot of table foods.  She likes cereal, crackers, and veggie straws… so yeah.  She’s accepting more and more table foods now, but she loses interest pretty quickly.  She’s just tricky.  Funny thing, though, as far as baby food goes, she doesn’t like the fruit blends.  She prefers the savory mixes; the turkey dinner in a bottle kinds.  Our other kids hated those.
She can go up and down stairs, but I still keep them blocked because it makes me nervous.  If she sees the slightest opening to the stairs, she bolts for it, though.  She loves to climb.
She’s our busy little baby.  She pulls everything out of the diaper bag daily, unravels the toilet paper and shreds it into tiny pieces, and destroys whatever the other kids are building. She loves to get her fingers in the toilet and splash around.  We’ve all gotten very good at keeping the lid down, but that doesn’t stop her anymore.  She also loves to open the kitchen garbage and dig around in there when no one’s watching.  She’s pretty gross, and of course, she still puts everything in her mouth.

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