Monday, November 12, 2007

November Climbing

It was a pretty nice day, so we wanted to take advantage of the good weather. This will probably be our last trip of the season. It wasn't too bad out, but the rock was freezing. I would have replaced my chalk bag with a hand warmer in a second. We chose an "easy" wall because we had a first-timer (Ashley) with us, plus I wanted another crack at lead climbing. It was so scary. Climbing past the bolt I'm clipped in to freaks me out. I had a pretty bad case of the shakey leg by the time I got to the top, but I did it. That was my second time lead climbing... well, second successful run.

I'm not really sure what's going on in this picture, but I think I'm a little nervous about my precarious position.


Lisa said...

Yeah, finally back to cute Amy pictures. You are just the cutest little rock climber... love your outfit. The pictures are so good! Looks like you are making a face just for the precarious position... you weren't scared, it's all an act for the camera.

Elisha and Scott said...

good job Amy, I think Scott's face would look like that too if he were lead climbing. I just wouldn't lead climb.

Sarah Walton said...

I'm with you, elisha. I probably wouldn't do that either! lookin' good, amy!

Krisser said...

Just looking at those pictures makes my legs shake- you are one brave woman!