Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Sunday Drive

I love Sunday drives. They are just so relaxing. I definitely have my favorite spots, but this Sunday I decided to go exploring. I found the coolest road that winds around a section of Utah Lake. It's only wide enough for one vehicle, so every 100 ft or so there is a pull-out so cars can pass. I stopped every 100 feet or so anyway to take pictures so it worked well for me. Especially since it was so windy and cold that I refused to get out of the car. So with the heater blasting, I just rolled down my window to take pictures.


Lisa said...

Gorgeous pictures. So fun to see. Thanks for posting!

Anonymous said...

Amy . . . Going for a drive on Sunday afternoons reminds me of the summer that I worked in Colorado. Mary and I were engaged and I would drive up on top of some masa where the view was fantastic and then write a letter to Mary. . . . Sunday afternoons . . . Good time for thinking.
