Sunday, November 16, 2008

The problem with caller ID...

Last week while stopped at a light on my way to work, my phone rang. I grabbed it and checked the caller ID. "egh, I don't really want to talk to him," I may or may not have audibly muttered as I tossed my phone onto the passenger seat. A few seconds later, my phone received the message and I picked it up to see what my friend had wanted. "Hey Amy, I just noticed you in the car next to me, so I thought I'd say hello, but I can see you're clearly too busy to answer. That felt wonderful. You have a great day too."

The moral of the Story: Check your surroundings before you check your caller ID.


The Seaquist Family said...

Serious bummer! If that had been me on the other end, I can't imagine I still would have left a message. Guts.

Sarah Walton said...

oh Amy, that was painful to read . . . and how to mend that now? And hopefully he doesn't read your blog!

Amy Silva said...

No worries. We had a good laugh about it later. He pretended to be really offended for a while, but c'mon, who hasn't screened their calls simply because they don't feel like talking to anyone?

Lisa said...

Oh my gosh, too funny... and a little awkward! Wow.

Unknown said...

Oh snaaaaaap.