Saturday, November 1, 2008

Welcome Halloween!

Yep, some slight improvements and this costume was ready to go again. I didn't officially get to wear it last year, so I was pleased to debut the Walmart Greeter at both my work party and the huge Stake dance party last night.
It definitely elicited the desired response from both events. I went around with happy face stickers welcoming everyone I met. Anyone who already knew me, thought it was hilarious. Picking up on new guys at the dance was a little trickier. I was constantly turning around to find people laughing and pointing. On any other day, this is would be upsetting, but on Halloween it's met with a mirror-cracking smile.

There were some pretty impressive costumes at work this year. Nacho Libre obviously took guts (no pun intended). The 70s cop was a hit too, especially when he arrested Nacho with a set of handcuffs that he didn't have a key to. The Burger King King kept sneaking fake cash into people's pockets, and Obama (who painted himself black) kept talking about change and taking money from the doctor and giving it to me. A little later Darick showed up as a Never-Nude (to anyone who has seen any Arrested Development, that's pretty darn funny. He was just wearing jean cut-offs and a bathrobe over top.) We had a great time and hardly got any work done. Happy Halloween!


Unknown said...

NO WAY! LOL! Your costume is awesome. I should have come down! Thanks for the pics!

Lisa said...

Love the costume. Boy, those earings sure do come in handy. That never-nude costume cracks me up!!!

Sarah Walton said...

Awesome, amy. so fun that everyone at your work gets so into it!

Mike Walton said...

I love the wig!