Sunday, June 20, 2010

Happy Father's Day!

I just wanted to take a second to say how much I appreciate my father. After a brief visit with my family, a friend recently asked me, "Why is your family the way it is?" I soon found out that what "it is" is kind, supportive, loving, and uplifting. I can only really attribute that to my parents' diligence in raising their children up unto God. I'm so grateful for a father who has his top priorities as his relationship with God and his family's eternal salvation. I'm grateful for his example. He gave me a head start on life by teaching me who I was at a very young age. He taught me how to magnify a calling, listen to the guidance of the spirit, and reverence the sacred things of God. His counsel has always been so wise and timely. I love you so much, Dad!

1 comment:

Lisa said...

I second all that. Happy Father's Day, Dad.