Friday, November 18, 2011

California Adventure

We spent the second day almost entirely at California adventure.  This was the first time Scott, Elisha, and I had ever been.  Of course, we had been on a lot of the rides at Hollywood Studios at Disney World, but it was still fun to explore a new park.  We had so much fun.  Thanks Scott and Elisha for such a great time.

 Waiting in line.

 I just love the Tower of Terror.  It's one of my favorites.  California Adventure also had the scariest ferris wheel I had ever been on.  We opted for a "sliding gondola" of course and just couldn't stop the nervous giggling as we slid back and forth on our little track.  Such a weird feeling on a ferris wheel.

Foster was so funny on this slide, he went over and over again while we waited for Molly to go on the rope swing.  He'd just squeal all the way down and get off and start running right back up to the top.

Doug is as clingy to his new "best friend" in real life as he is in UP.  Foster had a hard time getting away.

 This is Foster not sharing his cotton candy with Chris (or Chrissy as he's started calling him.  Not as cool as his last nick name "Z", but I think it's still hilarious)

I just love this guy.  We have so much fun together.


David and Mary Walton said...

You do look like you have fun together! You got some great pictures. What a fun trip!

Elisha and Scott said...

Looks like a great trip!!!!!! :) Thanks for coming!

Lisa said...

Love the Tower of Terror!!! Those pictures of Fos are so cute!!