Thursday, November 3, 2011


Coming up with a costume this year was a nightmare.  Neither of us had any ideas and pretty soon we were burnt out of brainstorming.  In the end, Chris and I didn't go in a couples costume.  I went with the Sonic Drive In sign dancer costume I wore to work and Chris used his punk rocker costume from a previous year.  (I have no photo, which is a shame because it is something to behold).  
The sign dancer costume was a hit at work AND at the dance.  I kind of LOVED having a sign to dance with at the dance.  The whole costume just removes any inhibitions so you can dance like a fool.  Awesome.  They had a costume contest type thing so I danced down the center to show off my costume, but they didn't give any prizes away.  Later that evening a man in a poncho and sombrero came over and tried to give me some cash.  I thought it was just some part of his costume that I didn't understand.  I just kind of laughed and didn't take the money and he walked away.  (After all, I'm not that kind of dancer.)  Turns out it was prize money.  I'm such an idiot! 

It was fun having Mike with us for Halloween... or should I say Jefe!  Such a great costume, Mike.  You looked spectacular.


David and Mary Walton said...

Those are great costumes!!!! Amy, you are so cute....and Mike, you a bit scary. Very good.

Brian Walton said...
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Brian Walton said...

Amy. Brilliant costume! Did you have fun going around telling people the special?

Lisa said...

You both look fabulous. Love the long hair Mike!

Mike Walton said...

It should be noted that I wasn't the man in the sombrero and poncho giving out cash to dancers... I'm not that type of guy.