Friday, June 1, 2012


Well, we had a wonderful road trip to Nauvoo planned for Memorial weekend, but a back problem that makes sitting painful caused us to reschedule.   40 hours in a car just wasn't going to be possible.  Instead, we purchased tickets to Seattle and drove up to surprise my parents.  Scott and Elisha and Dan and Sarah were already there.  We arrived around 6:30 and miraculously found the side door open.  Thank goodness because they didn't all come back from the beach until just before 9pm.  Our surprise was a little anticlimactic since Annie and Leah came in and saw us first then ran outside and told everyone else, but it was fun none the less. 

 The next morning we packed some sandwiches and had a picnic up at Lynn Canyon.  It was a gorgeous day.  I've never seen Lynn Canyon so crowded.   When Vancouver gets nice weather, EVERYONE comes out to play.  The kids waded around in the freezing water and threw rocks in for a while and then we headed over to Stanley Park.  Crowded again, but we had fun out on the beach turning rocks over and watching the crabs scurry everywhere.

On our last day in Vancouver, Mom and Chris and I headed down to Granville island and wandered around.  I love Granville Island and it was fun to peruse the art shops with out kids around to touch things.


Lisa said...

So fun to be up there. Cute pregnancy shirt, Am.

scott said...
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