Saturday, November 10, 2012

2 Months

Jane is almost 2 months old now.  She had her two month appointment just a couple days ago, which of course means shots.  She handled it pretty well and the nurse was quick getting all three shots in before Jane could catch her breath after her first scream.  It obviously still took its toll on her, though since she slept for 9 and a half hours straight.  I wish that meant I got a good night's sleep too, but I just kept waking up wondering when she was going to get up and going to peek and see if she was still breathing.  Jane is currently weighing in at 10 pounds (dropping from the 71st percentile to the 31st percentile) and measuring at 22 inches long (dropping from the 82nd percentile to the 37th percentile).  Her doctor says she's still healthy though, so we're just chalking her stunted growth up to her parent's genetics.

Jane is now sleeping quite well getting five to seven hours of uninterrupted sleep most nights.  We are very grateful.  She's pretty awesome through most of the day too.  She's just a pretty chill baby.  She loves sucking on her fist when she finds it and is actually taking a pacifier more these days.  She doesn't hate her car seat near a much now and had no trouble at all when we introduced the bottle.  She's just a really awesome baby.  That's pretty nice when it comes time to leave her.

The other night I went to an MBA Spouses Association (MBASA) event.  It was a "Day in the Life" event where they got two favorite MBA professors to teach one of their lectures to the MBA spouses.  It was really fun.  We had the Operations teacher first and did a case study on Benihanas and what made the restaurant so successful.  He even sent us the case in advance so we could come ready for him to cold call on us to answer questions (as he is known to do in his classroom).  Our next class was marketing and we did a case study on the rebranding of Plastic after it was threatened by environmentalists.  Both classes were fascinating and so much fun.  Now I know Chris is just laughing and partying all day!

Last night, Chris and I left Jane with the Mitchells and went out on a much needed date night.  How fun to hold hands and have Chris open the door for me again.  He's usually holding Jane and I'm opening doors for them.  We went and saw Skyfall (which was excellent, of course).  Our friend, Marshall works for Adobe and they bought out a theater on opening night and Marshall happened to have a few extra tickets so we got to go fro free!  Even better.

Well, as always, here are a few more pictures of Jane.

Apple bottom jeans, boots with the fur (with the fur)....


Caitlin said...

Such a cutie! I really cannot wait to meet her in a couple of weeks.

And I agree -- the baby sleeping doesn't necessarily mean the momma is sleeping! When my kids started sleeping longer, I always woke up because my boobs were about to explode (and leaking everywhere) and/or totally paranoid that something was wrong because they hadn't woken up yet! Ah, parenthood :)

Colette said...

Ok, these are ridiculously adorable. Amy I thought she looked so much like Chris the first time I saw her, but in these pictures I see more of you! It's so fun seeing both of your characteristics in little Jane!

David and Mary Walton said...

She looks great in red!! I love red, ya know. She is such a darling, and I can see more Amy in her all the time.

Elisha and Scott said...

Too cute. I can't believe she is 2 mo......time flies! Glad you got to go on a date. It's hard after having kids, but oh so important!

Lisa said...

I can't believe she's two months either! Looking adorable, as always. We need to catch up soon.

Jessica Mitchell said...

DIED LAUGHING over your song lyrics. Love it!