Monday, December 3, 2012

Thanksgiving Week

Thanks to Chris' student schedule, we got to spend the whole Thanksgiving week in California.  We drove as far as Vegas on the way down and stayed with my Aunt and Uncle.  Jane did pretty well at first, sleeping for the first three hours.  We stopped and ate dinner, fed and changed her, and then she cried for the last two hours.   It  started with a longly cry and slowly escalated to a very angry cry.  Poor girl.  She did much better with the Vegas to Irvine leg, sleeping the whole way.  We did a lot of driving around that whole week so I think she finally got used to her car seat.  On the way back, we drove the straight 9 hours and she slept through seven of them.  Awesome!

We had a great time in California, mostly just visiting family and friends and playing lots of games.  We had only two thanksgiving dinners this year; one with Chris' mom and then with his dad.  The next day we squeezed in a third with Thanksgiving leftovers at the Redfords.  

The Angels stadium was having a toys for tots event one morning, so we brought a toy and then walked around the Angels' dugout and field.  Jane even got her picture taken with Santa.  

We had great weather while we were there.  We even got to go to the beach one day and it was nicer than it was for the 4th of July.  

A little early for jammies, I know, but Jane already blew out of her cute outfit.


Caitlin said...

It was so great to see you guys and meet Jane! I can't believe we had you here for a whole week; it felt like no time at all. Can we live closer to each other, please?!

Lisa said...

I love that one of Jane in her carseat. So cute! Such nice weather for Thanksgiving. It's snowing while I'm reading this so flip flops and the beach just seem crazy.