Thursday, February 7, 2013

More Jane...

It's been pretty cold the last few weeks so Jane and I have taken to lounging in our PJs most of the day and cuddling up on the couch with a little Downton Abbey (I'm totally addicted).  Just recently, though, it's started to get nicer out.  In fact, today it was nice enough, I opened the windows to air out the house a little, swept the back porch, and went for a little walk with Jane.  I can feel spring just around the corner... if only all this ice would melt.  

Jane is delightful these days.  She now goes to bed around 10 which I think is just perfect because she then sleeps straight through till 7:30 or 8:00!  Now, we just have to try and keep her on this schedule.

We took her to the pool on Monday for FHE (the only pictures I have are on my phone and they're not that great).  She was pretty indifferent to the water, but quite fascinated with the noisy commotion going on around her.  Just this week she discovered what happens when she slaps her hand against the water and she seems to like it.  It's pretty adorable to watch her experience these things for the first time.  We didn't spend that long in the pool.  It wasn't warm enough for Jane (and me).  We wrapped her up in her towel and took turns holding her on the edge of the hot tub.  It was a fun FHE activity for us.  

She is totally in to water bottles.  Any time she sees us drinking something, she flails her arms, desperately reaching for it.  We give her our empty bottles to play with and she even knows which end to suck on.  

She has no interest in rolling yet, but she'll sit and play with one toy for hours.  She's focusing on fine motor skills.  We still get down beside her and roll her back and forth, hoping she'll get the idea.  We're way more excited about it than she is.  

And now, some goofy pictures of our little girl.


David and Mary Walton said...

Love the updated pictures of seet baby Jane! What a doll!

Lisa said...

Yeah! I love when you post, Amy. Such beautiful pictures of that sweet girl. Glad her sleeping schedule is so much better!! And amen to being addicted to Downton Abbey.