Saturday, February 8, 2014

Jane at 17 months

Jane is just a joy these days.  She is acting more and more like a little kid and it constantly takes us by surprise how much she understands.  She eats pretty well with a spoon now, folds her arms for prayers (sometimes), loves to twirl and shoot you with her finger (not usually at the same time).  She makes a pretty good gun sound effect.  She finally mastered the "all done" sign and patiently taps me on the shoulder and makes the sign to let me know she's finished.  It's a wonderful improvement to her old method of throwing the rest of her food on the floor.  She's picked up a lot more actions to the songs we sing and the other day we caught her singing gibberish to the tune of Itsy Bitsy Spider.  Fun stuff.

Since Peter's birth, Jane has been a lot more interested in babies.  She still mostly prefers her stuffed animals over her dolls, but now she brings them to me so I can help her wrap them up in blankets or put diapers on them.  Then she takes them and lays them in the car seat or baby swing or cradle.  It's pretty sweet.

She's pretty interested in Peter still (a little too interested sometimes).  She managed to grab hold of Peter's blanket while he was sleeping on the couch and pull him off onto the floor.  It was pretty scary, but Peter was fine.  The couch incident aside, she's actually pretty sweet with him, gently stroking his head, kissing him goodnight and fist bumping him all day long.  



Lisa said...

So cute!! Love her eyes.

David and Mary Walton said...

Great write-up about that little darling!! Great pictures too.

Unknown said...

I love that photo collage of Jane's faces!! Too stinkin' cute.