Friday, February 7, 2014

Peter's Blessing

Peter was blessed on February 2nd.  My dad, brother Scott, brother-in-law Paul, and Bishop David Nelson surrounded him as Chris gave the blessing.  Chris said he was calmly looking around the whole time.  Chris gave a beautiful blessing  while I tried to control Jane and my emotions at the same time.  I feel so blessed to have him in our family.  He just fits right in already.

Trying to get a good family picture just got a whole lot trickier.

My handsome men!

We were so grateful to have so many family members come.  Thank you everyone.  And thank you to the Katzoffs and Paxsons for attending as well.  We love you!


The Kyles said...

You are so beautiful!!!! What a great family you have.

Lisa said...

I love how these turned out. So cute!!