Thursday, March 20, 2014

Jane and Peter

 Jane is 18 months now and shaping up to be a pretty great big sister.  She loves to kneel down next to Peter and give him kisses.  It melts my heart when she uses her baby voice to speak gibberish to him.  She often lays out a blanket or a sleeper and then holds out her hands for me to give her Peter.  She usually has to settle for one of her dolls or stuffed animals which she wraps up and rocks back and forth. She's a sweetheart.

Peter at 2 months:

 I feel like everything I know about Peter is a comparison to Jane.  He hardly ever blows out.  With Jane I almost always had a couple outfits soaking in oxyclean at any given time.  He goes to bed MUCH easier than Jane did, but we're still struggling for some consistency at this point.  His longest stretch at night has been 8 hours (which was AWESOME).  He did that twice. Usually we get a six or seven hour stretch followed by a couple of two or three hour stretches.  I have no complaints.  He's just starting to get really smiley, especially with Chris.   It's a lot of fun.
We had double doctors appointments for these two today and shots for both of them.  Jane was tougher than ever and VERY pleased with her lollipop.  Peter handled it like a baby.  They are both napping hard right now.
Peter weighed in at 11lbs 6 oz and 22 inches long.  Jane is holding steady at 20 lbs and she's 31 inches long.  They're both pretty small for their age.


Silvs said...

Love my kids!

David and Mary Walton said...

Love the pictures!! Two most darling kids!

Lisa said...

Great pictures. Peter is looking older, of course. Cute to see!