Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Peter 10 months

Peter is probably getting pretty close to walking soon.  He spends most of his time pushing chairs, laundry baskets, the kids' picnic table and any other furniture he can move all over the room.   He occasionally stands on his own too.  With Jane it was a big deal and you could see the nervousness and sense of accomplishment all over her face.  Peter is completely preoccupied and doesn't think twice about it when he just lets go of his support to better inspect the toy he's holding.  He's fearless and quite frankly it scares me.  The other day we somehow left the gate at the top of the stairs open and I came around the corner to find him half way down the hard wooden stairs.  SCARIEST MOMENT OF MY LIFE.  I hadn't spent any time teaching him stairs just yet.  We just keep them blocked off.  Apparently Chris had shown him how to go down backwards once and that mini lesson may have saved his life.  

Peter eats mostly table foods now and thank goodness because spoon feeding baby food was a high anxiety experience.  He would eat a few bites just fine (or sometimes almost the whole container, you never knew) and then out of frustration or sometimes excitement, he would swat the spoon SO fast and food would go everywhere.  No matter how much you were expecting it, he was always faster than you.  Each spoonful was a gamble.  Sure do love those baby food pouches now.  If nothing else, he will ALWAYS eat one of those.  He's a little pickier than Jane was.  I think he'd live on bread if he could (particularly banana bread, but can you blame him?).

One of my favorite thing about Peter right now is that he DOES NOT want to be left out of playing with daddy.  If Chris starts chasing Jane around, Peter will come crawling and crying until Chris picks him up and chases Jane with him or crawls after Peter.  He loves being chased and I love his frantic, panicked, giggly crawl.  Mostly, whatever fun is being had, he wants to be involved.  

He gets really excited when he hears the theme song for Bubble Guppies and uses his new clapping skill to demonstrate it, but other than that, he doesn't pay attention to Jane's shows.  I even put Baby Einstein on for him once and Jane got really excited, but Peter just wants to crawl around and explore.  Sounds great to me!

Peter sleeps ALL THE TIME.  The last few weeks he has been especially sleepy.  He goes to sleep at 8:00 pm wakes up and nurses around 5:30 or 6:00 and gets up around 8:00.  He's slept through that early morning feeding several times so I'm hopeful we'll soon have uninterupted sleep.  In the morning he's usually up for a couple hours and then takes his first nap.  He still takes three naps and he's only awake for a couple hours between each one.  It's just weird.  I can put him down for a little third nap at 6:00 and he still has no problem hitting that 8:00 bed time.  


David and Mary Walton said...

Oh man, that kid is cute!! Love his dark eyes, and his cute expressions, and can't wait to get to know him better. Great pictures!

Lisa said...

Oh my gosh, these pictures are perfect. Such a cute little guy.

scott said...