Sunday, November 30, 2014


It started out so positive.  We got to the airport with plenty of time and despite flying on peak travel days, the Indy airport wasn't busy at all.  The kids did really well for both flights and the layover.  But when we landed in California at midnight and woke up Jane, she she threw up all over Chris and the aisle of the airplane... three times.  Passengers still waiting to deplane had to step over a big puddle of vomit.  We gathered our things and found our checked luggage, but we had WAY too much to carry and poor sick Jane cried as she struggled to walk beside us to the rental cars.  It was the saddest thing ever.  Chris managed to pick her up somehow and carry her the rest of the way, then went and got our car while I waited with the kids on the curb.  The amazing California temperature was our saving grace that night.  We were all too tired and miserable and I just kept thinking I will feel better when we get everything in the car... and I did, for a second.  Jane threw up all over herself and the car, and climbed in the back seat to comfort her while she moaned, "Jane's all wet, Jane's all wet" all the way to Erik's house.  We spent the evening cleaning vomit out of the car, car seat, and diaper bag.  It was everywhere.  That night she threw up again and Peter the super light sleeper was up all night too.

The next morning we got ready and hoped to drop by and surprise Theresa.  (We hadn't told anyone but Erik and Juliana that we were coming.)  Theresa was unavailable and as it turned out, already knew about our trip.  We dropped by Dave and Caitlin's but no one answered the door.  Strike 2.  We called both Dave and Caitlin and got no response.  Finally we decided they were probably over working on their new house.  We had the address, so we just headed over.  The complete shock on Dave's face as he answered the door was without a doubt the highlight of our trip.  He was blown away and we were giddy to see him.  He gave us a tour of his new home in the demo phase and told us about all the plans to finish it up.  It was so fun to see their house.  I can't wait to see it all done and stay with them next time!

We had thanksgiving dinner with Erik and Juliana.  Jane was running a fever and only wanted to be held all the time (mostly by daddy).  She threw up again right before dinner.  Peter was a little clingier than normal as well.  By Friday Chris was starting to get it and on Saturday, it wiped him out completely.  The sickness for him was manifest mostly in fevers and chills.  He lied on the Reid's couch and slept all day.  Peter got it too, but for him it was a miserable cough.  He could hardly breathe.  We left a wake of sickness behind us.  Nearly everyone we came in contact with got some version of bug.

Our trip home didn't improve.  We got to the airport and found our flight was delayed an hour.  They warned us there was a chance we may miss our connecting flight, but they sounded encouraging that we could make it.  If there was a chance, we were going to go for it.  Jane was doing better, but not really wanting to be photographed and not her normal chipper self as she lied on the airport floor waiting for our flight.  Peter had the kind of cough that made everyone sick just listening to it.  It was an uncomfortable flight.  When we landed, we bolted to our connecting gate, just a few doors down, but the plane was already pulling away.  We were stuck in Denver.  The next flight out wasn't until 4 the next afternoon.  It was about that time that Jane complete blew out of her diaper, soiling her only jammies (as our luggage in holding until morning).  We called up my sister and decided to rent a car (and car seats) and drive down to their house in Colorado Springs.  They took good care of us and it was such a nice break from our miserable travels.  They gave us coats to bare the subzero temperatures and toothbrushes and everything.   We even got to go to Costa Vida for lunch.   Our flight the next day was only delayed a few more hours and then we got to go home.  It wasn't the trip we were planning, but also not one we are likely to forget.


Caitlin said...

We loved the surprise visit! I'm so sorry you had to endure the rest!

Lisa said...

So frustrating to be sick on vacation. Sorry it was so hard... but we loved seeing you for a little bit.