Thursday, September 10, 2015

Big Bubbles with Grandma and Grandpa

Yes, I still have more pictures from my parents' visit...

We took the big bubbles over to a nearby park one evening and had fun watching the kids chase them down.  Jane was particularly excited.  Peter started out pretty gun-ho and then lost steam pretty soon after.  We ended up all swinging on the swings and trying to pop (or in my case, avoid) the stream of little bubbles headed our way.  

 Twice while my parents were here, we visited the Children's Museum.  We love that place and it was fun to have grandpa there to really show the kids how to build boats or work the construction equipment.

The train table is by far Peter's favorite.  It doesn't matter how long we stay there, there's a little meltdown when it's time to go.  (Just like whenever we go to Barnes & Noble).

Jane loved trying out a video game for the first time...

 ... and Mom and Dad stayed over in their comfort zone.


David and Mary Walton said...

That's all you put on of the Children's Museum?? I know you must have lots more!

Brian Walton said...
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