Sunday, January 6, 2008


Mike's Christmas blog post was remarkable similar to what I intended to post. So for more detailed coverage of the Walton Christmas, check out Mike's Journal Blog. I tried to add some different photos though.

Super Excited Line Up!

Caught in the Headlights

Good thing we have these books now, I always forget how many charcoal buzzards are left after one has flown A-way.

Mom and I single-handedly finished a 1500 piece puzzle in two days.


Krisser said...

Amy, what kind of camera do you have? Your pictures are always stunning and I'm asking in the hopes that you have a magic camera answer for my bad-picture woes!

Lisa said...

What great pictures Am. Love the one of Mom and Dad, and the super excited Christmas line up. We should have done one of those, because we were indeed super excited.

Lisa said...

Pretty impressive puzzle skills Amy and Mom!