Thursday, August 28, 2008

Motown Philly Back Again...

Yep, total blast from the past. Hilary and I decided this afternoon to hit up the Boyz II Men concert tonight. It turned out to be a good choice. We had so much fun dancing and singing along. It brought back some pretty vivid Stake dance memories too. We even saw some people doing the deacon shuffle. Obviously I wasn't the only one that made that association.

PS. I had to remove the tarantula post because I was too afraid to open my own blog. I saw another one yesterday too. This one was alive and blocking my path. I took the long way home. It added on another 30 minutes to my walk, but it was totally worth it.


Lisa said...

Sounds fun! I would love to relive some of my stake dances!

I'm not missing the spider either.

Brian Foster Walton said...

Well at least you saw the tarantula rather than just step on it. That would probably be worse.