Sunday, March 15, 2009

...and still more Snowboarding

Are you getting sick of this yet? I'm not. A couple weeks ago I ran into Lynn Adams. Lynn and I became friends about eight years ago. In the last couple years we've fallen out of touch even though he only lives in Salt Lake. Anyway, Lynn invited me on a snowboarding weekend up at Bear Lake. Why not? It could be a great way to meet new people and if nothing else, I love snowboarding. It turned out to be Lynn, a guy I had gone on a blind date with last year and six very cool, but very intimidating girls. The snowboarding was a little icy and I was grateful for my new helmet after I landed on my head going off a jump. Wearing a helment just makes you try crazier things. It was fun though and the cabin we stayed in was really cool. After a long day of snowboarding, playing games and watching movies in a cabin is just perfect! Add a little beer and we'd have been living the life of a professional snowboarder.

1 comment:

Lisa said...

Sounds fun Amy. I bet the cabin was great. Any plans to hang out with that group again?