Wednesday, August 4, 2010

100 things about me

Around two years ago, my sister Lisa posted 100 things about herself. I liked the idea as a fun way to document the tidbits that make me me. I started this list in 2008 and then forgot about it for a long time. I opened it again about eight months ago, added some and made some amendments. Today, I finally finished it. You don't have to read all of it, it's mostly just for me.

1. I was born in Surrey, BC Canada.
2. I am a dual citizen (Canadian/American). My mom was born in Las Vegas, Nevada and my dad was born in Calgary, Alberta.
3. I am the fourth of six kids.
4. My favorite childhood vacations were going to Grandma Polley's house in Las Vegas, going to Grandpa Walton's cabin at Shuswap Lake, and camping at the Olympic Peninsula or Banff.
5. I always thought everything my older sister did was cool. (still do… why else would I be making a “100 things about me” list?)
6. Mike was my closest friend growing up. We did everything together.
7. Scott, Dan, Mike and I used to get up really early on Saturdays and go to the Skateboard park to rollerblade before the skaters got there.
8. The first CD I ever bought was Our Lady Peace, Clumsy.
9. I had a poster of Kirk McLean (Goalie for the Vancouver Canucks) in my bedroom as a teenager. I had to look really hard to find one without his mask on.
10. I kept a top 10 crush list on the inside cover of my 9th grade science binder. It became a thick layer of white out as my preferences changed depending on who asked me to dance at the last stake dance.
11. My dad was my bishop during my teenage years... I liked having him at all of my activities.
12. My very first joint YM/YW activity was a representation of the plan of Salvation disguised as a carnival. I was the only one who ended up in the Telestrial Kingdom. It was a little bit traumatizing.
13. Growing up, my favorite Olympic sport to watch was figure skating, because my mom and I always watched it together.
14. I got my associates degree at Ricks College (when it was called Ricks College).
15. I was an EFY counselor for two summers and loved it.
16. I graduated from Brigham Young University in 2003 with a BS in Marriage, Family, and Human Development.
17. As a child, my bike was named Sluggar. Mike’s bike was Tumbleweed.
18. I worked at McDonald's as a teenager, but rarely admit it.
19. Lisa and I used to record our crushes on the underside of our white desk.
20. I gave a speech at my Elementary School Graduation dinner.
21. We had so much fun when my parents would go out of town. Lisa was always good at cleaning games like “Bomb in the Kitchen” and Scott and Dan where great at destructive games like “Living room Hockey.” Either way we had a blast.
22. My least favorite job was working for a landscaping company. My co-workers didn’t speak English and they used to pee in the back of the dump-truck.
23. I've lived in British Columbia, Idaho, and Utah.
24. I love Cilantro. I always get extra on my Costa Vida Salads.
25. I changed my major seven times in college before I finally decided it was ok to major in something that I didn’t intend to use professionally.
26. At my first dance at age 14, Rudy Gardinetti asked me to dance. I was so nervous, I declined, only realizing later that no one declines when asked to dance. Sorry Rudy. My first dance was with Michael Layton.
27. My guitar's name is Joey Joe Joe. My first guitar's name was Johnny Clorox.
28. I like pretty packaging and can be enticed to purchase on those grounds.
29. I love cleaning when I get to crank up the music and dance my way to cleanliness.
30. I love camping and I get restless if it’s been a while since I have gone.
31. My favorite TV show is Pushing Daisies. Too bad they cancelled it after two seasons.
32. I love analyzing people's wedding announcement choices. My preferences change within a matter of months so who knows what mine will end up looking like.
33. If I could visit anywhere in the world right now, I would choose Italy. (Amendment: I went to Italy on April 10th, 2009. Next would probably be Machu Pichu, Peru or Switzerland)
34. I love getting cards in the mail and reading personalized emails from friends and family.
35. I love funny costumes where you can really act the part. My favorite costume has always been the pregnant white trash. It has great shock factor and always gets a laugh.
36. I'm seriously addicted to Propel. I always keep a flat in my trunk and I have at least one a day. There are worse things than vitamin water to be addicted to, though.
37. I got to live next to my two older brothers for two years in college. I loved feeling like equals instead of the little sister.
38. I think everyone needs a break-up that just about destroys you. Well actually, I wouldn't really wish it upon anyone, but I'm grateful for mine.
39. I love daffodils.
40. I was roommates with my sister-in-law, Sarah before she married my brother. I loved having that time to get to know her even better before she joined the family. (Thank goodness it worked out. That could have been awkward.)
41. I have never been pulled over. (Amendment: I was pulled over for the first time on November 17th 2009.)
42. I love back massages. I go whenever the massage school has 2 for 1 one-hour massages.
43. I once played on an intramural bowling team.
44. I don't understand people who are consistently late. Sure, things come up now and then, but on a normal day, you should know exactly how long it takes you to get ready for things. You do it every day! It takes me 30 minutes from the last time I hit snooze to walking out the door for me to get ready in the morning. 40 minutes if I have to shave my legs. Another 10 if I also curl my hair.
45. I hate cooking. (Amendment: Turns out I just hate taking the time to cook for myself. It's kind of fun when I have someone to cook for.)
46. When I was a young teenager, I played the part of a child prostitute extra for a made for TV movie... but don't you worry, my mom was there to make sure I was the most modest little child prostitute you have ever seen.
47. I love canyoneering. Pine Creek (in Zion) was my first slot canyon in 2004.
48. I have the best job EVER. I love the freedom I have been given in making decisions pertaining to my sphere of responsibility and the flexibility to manage my own schedule. I love being “the one that knows.”
49. I have driven a front-loader tractor.
50. I love 'Enrichment' because I love socializing with girlfriends.
51. I love board games. I’m always up for “just one more.”
52. I don’t like to nap because I feel like I’m wasting time.
53. In the winter I have to take a hot bath before bed so I can get my body temperature up enough to fall asleep.
54. I eat a lot of avocados.
55. I love snowboarding. It’s the only good thing about post-Christmas winter.
56. The best concert I have ever been to is Muse. Seriously, they put on an incredible show.
57. I love summer nights. I often walk laps around my neighborhood just to be outside in the dark summer air.
58. I can’t stand soggy cereal, so I just pour a little milk and a little cereal, eat and repeat.
59. In 2nd Grade, instead of bringing something for show and tell, I would prepare stand up comedy routines. I don't remember everything I did, but it was a huge hit.
60. I love Pea Coats. I have one in brown, black, cream, grey, and purple. I would love a green or red one next.
61. I can completely clear the wake when wakeboarding... well, I've done it twice.
62. I have never (to my recollection) gotten food poisoning.
63. I love taking pictures with my Nikon D40.
64. I have had Mono and Shingles, but both cases were thankfully mild.
65. I love H&M, Banana Republic Outlet, and Ann Taylor LOFT.
66. I do NOT like driving down town. Especially in an unfamiliar city. I DO like exploring an unfamiliar city on foot.
67. If I need to save money for something, the first thing to be cut from the budget is food.
68. My favorite book is The Book Thief, which only recently replaced Peter Pan. I am currently reading Ray Bradbury's Something Wicked This Way Comes.
69. I love Swedish Fish, Sour Watermelons and licorice. I would take Candy over chocolate anytime.
70. I own 16 dresses (not including skirts). I know, it’s kind of an addiction. (Amendment: I now own 17 dresses)
71. In third grade, I kissed Jonathon Beggs in the bookroom at school. This action alone made my popularity rocket off the charts. In fact you might you say my social life peaked around third grade... wait, that's kind of sad.
72. I love cleaning closets, throwing stuff out and reorganizing everything.
73. I love Tostitos Mini Round tortilla chips and fresh salsa and guacamole.
74. I have fractured only one bone in my life. It was my right thumb and it happened during a game of YM/YW dodgeball. I got out.
75. I drive a Ford Focus named Skip (I didn’t name it, it just stuck).
76. I like business trips that don’t take up my weekend.
77. I have a pull-up bar in my room and I can do three pull ups... I have done three. I usually can only do two.
78. I love going to church with my family on vacation. Just sitting with my sister and mom in Relief Society makes us all cry.
79. My first instinct in a thunder storm is to head into the canyon. I just love being outside in a thunderstorm.
80. I am a blue/red. (Amendment: I retook the color code test with my family on October 21, 2009. I’m now a solid blue)
81. I work in the Provo Temple and love it.
82. I was a freshman in college when I had my first date (and my first kiss, but not on the same date.)
83. I love playing with my nieces and nephews and wish they lived closer.
84. I was a drama nerd in my high school years. I was in Alice in Wonderland, To Kill a Mockingbird, You Can't Take it With You, and Fiddler on the Roof.
85. My grandpa Walton gave me my patriarchal blessing.
86. My favorite college class was Child Development. My professor found out half way through the semester that he was getting layed off so he spent the remaining class periods giving us his top 10 lectures of all the classes he taught. We'd cover parenting one day and then adolescent development then next. Every class was amazing.
87. I am a graphic designer (as of March 1st, 2010).
88. I keep my phone on vibrate all the time. I don't even know what the ring tone sounds like.
89. I have been on TV in London twice and at least five times in the US.
90. I love going to movies in the movie theater. The last movie I saw was Inception and it was pretty incredible. In fact, the last two movies I have seen were Inception and then Inception again.
91. I can’t pass up an opportunity to go rock climbing. Anytime, anywhere, I’m game.
92. I don't really like pizza or hot dogs or pretzels and other people think that's weird. But I think they are weird for not liking Ritz chips dipped in apple sauce. Don't knock it till you try it.
93. I get really emotional giving talks or bearing my testimony but I don't mind -- because I feel like it strengthens my testimony.
94. I love watching BYU Men’s Volleyball and football games.
95. I don't love watching the news... unless Dad's popcorn is involved.
96. I love Christmas traditions.
97. Currently my favorite color is yellow, but I'm certain that is just a phase and I will eventually return to my regular favorite, green. But yellow is just so happy, right?
98. If I could have one last meal before I died, I would ask for a Bajio Pork Salad with sweet rice, mango salsa, extra cilantro, and hold the chips.
99. When I was young I always wanted to be a National Geographic Photographer when I grew up. I still think that would be awesome.
100. Ramen is my favorite comfort food.


Lisa said...

SOOOOO fun to read. Fun to write too, isn't it? Glad you finally finished it. I forget what mine says now but I think there are definitely some similarities. Yes, we did record our crushes under that white desk... and I too had a science binder crush list. Too funny.

Ashley said...

So cute Amy. I loved it and think you are just way totally awesome.

You didn't say how amazing you are at scrap booking and other crafts though. Seriously, you have a gift.

Anonymous said...

Hooray for Peter Pan!

Here are two books not to miss...

A continuation based on Barrie's own notes for more: Click!

A "what if?" adventture sending the characters on other paths: Click!

Both are great reads!


David and Mary Walton said...

I read it all and loved it. So fun to get all tose details written down. I wonder if I'll ever do that.

Dan said...

I don't know if I could even think of 100 things about me. That was fun to read. I actually learned a few things about you.

Sarah Walton said...

I read it all too! Fun to learn more about you:) I should do this sometime. But probably not in the near future. I have a list of about 15 posts I need to catch up on!

Lisa said...

This is Chris, not LIsa. That was a lot of fun to read. I would like to know even more.

Elisa said...

I NEVER read those things. But I read yours. I don't like Pizza either. They are all the weird ones. I also think you've had a wonderful productive and accomplished life up until this point. Keep it up.

Mike Walton said...

Amy, those were fun to read. I knew that we had a bunch in common, but reading your 100 things made me realize a few more. Ditto to numbers 1, 2, 4, 21, 47, 52, 58, 67, 69, 83, 88, 90, 91, and 99.