Saturday, March 5, 2011

A hint of things to come...

Chris and I took our Bridals and Groomals today.  The wedding is just around the corner and it still just doesn't feel quite real.  Even being there at the Mount Timpanogas temple, we were just playing bride and groom today!  It's hard to believe it's less than two weeks away.
But aren't my flowers gorgeous?  I couldn't be happier with how they turned out. My friend Marietta and her florist friend, Lori put them together.  Perfect!  I love the anemones (black center) and the ranunculus flowers in the boutonnière.  *sigh* It just came together so well.


Less than two weeks and everything is going smoothly... a little too smoothly.  First there was the apartment and today we had a similar experience with our new couches.  We went furniture shopping last night (so fun) and found a few good couch options.  The one we liked the best was just more than we wanted to spend.  We decided to sleep on it and come back the next day.  Today when we stopped by, we found that there was an identical couch in the scratch and dent section that is (as far as we can tell) just fine.   $289 for a couch?  Sold!  We are so excited to start furnishing our new place.  We also recently discovered our apartment doesn't have a microwave.  How did we not notice that?  Fortunately, Chris just found a good one on Craigslist for $50.  It just feels like everything is working our perfectly.  So this is what marriage is like?  Everything really is happily ever after?  What a relief!  Here I thought it was all going to be hard work and sacrifice.  ...Or is this just the "happily ever before"? :)


Christopher said...
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Lisa said...

Oh, I'm so glad everything is going smoothly! Your bouquet is beautiful. Hope your pictures turned out great. How was your weather?

David and Mary Walton said...

Don't worry, there is more "happily ever after", after the wedding too. Your flowers are gorgeous. So fun to get a sneak peak.

Silvs said...

Perfect for pictures, Lisa. Nice overcast day. Not even too cold either, if you can believe that. Now Weather Watch 2011 starts for next week.

The Seaquist Family said...

For you - I think you have already put in YEARS of hard work and obstacles. It is time for the happily ever after. Glad things are going smoothly. I can't wait to see more than a teaser of your wedding.