Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Birch Hollow

This weekend, Chris and I went with some friends down to Zion to do Birch Hollow.  It's a pretty sweet dry canyon with about 10 rappels.  Plus, it's just outside the park, so it doesn't require permits. 

Being 5.5 months pregnant, I wasn't quite sure what to expect, but I was prepared to be a little slower, take more breaks, maybe notice some difference in my balance or scrambling ability.  I was surprised that I didn't notice any difference.  In fact, every time, I'd get my picture taken and see it on my camera afterward, I'd laugh because it still surprises me to see myself look so pregnant.  I'm hoping I can squeeze one more canyoneering trip in before I get too big.  We'll see.

We didn't even plan out our matching outfits!

1 comment:

Jessica Mitchell said...

Love, love, love these photos. So good. I really want to do one more with you guys soon!