Thursday, June 13, 2013


Jane is 9 months now and always on the move.  She crawls very well now and pulls herself up to a standing position next to things.  She wants desperately to be able to do it with the kitchen chairs, but they are just a little high.  Any day now she's going to have the arm strength to get there though.  She's so close.   She also does a pretty good downward dog position.  She's learned to clap now and does it whenever she's happy (which is pretty much all the time).  When I fold laundry she helps by pulling clothes out of the basket for me.  I actually noticed this a few months ago, but when I put her bib on, she always leans forward and lowers her head so I can snap it in the back.  She's very helpful.  Anything to speed up the process, I suppose.  This girl loves to eat.  She would eat bananas and Cheerios all day if I would let her.  I started this photoshoot on the bed, but it was tricky.  Her favorite thing to do on the bed is crawl straight to the edge and dive head-first over the side.  She knows I'll always have her by the ankle, but at least she gets to hang upside down.

Oh, also, I just finished making her this shirt yesterday.

She loves books.  We only have 5 books here and I read them to her every day.  I'm definitely sick of them, but she loves sitting on my lap and just watching.  She she has the books to herself, she carefully turns the pages and looks at each page.  I love it.  Oh, and she also loves golf balls.  Chris finds golf balls on his runs and Jane is so happy when she can get one in each hand and bang them together.  (That's pretty much true of anything she gets in her hands, but she seems extra happy with the golf balls.)

 Jane also loves her duck that we named Sprinkles.  It's the only stuffed animal we have here... well other than Bumblion (from the Wuzzles) that someone gave to her at a garage sale.  

 Outside on a blanket is an easier photoshoot since she has no desire to venture into the grass.  Just happy to sit outside and read her books... and so am I.


David and Mary Walton said...

I can't believe how fast she is growing up!! She is such a darling.....cutest pictures and clothes! That shirt is amazing! I love it. I love that she loves books too. It looks like she has such a fun she's a real can see it in her pictures.

Unknown said...

CUTE cute cute! I love reading how her personality is coming out. She looks just as sweet as ever. Nice job on the shirt too! It is adorable!!
(Also Mariah says she is both amazed and a little jealous of Jane's clapping ability)

Marietta said...

She is so cute! Sure do miss you guys and can't wait to see you when you get back! Wish I could see her doing all this things! Just love it! The shirt is super cute too, good job!

Elisha and Scott said...

So adorable!!!! We miss you guys!!!!